The MamasteFit Podcast

Un podcast de MamasteFit Podcast

178 Épisodes

  1. Birth Story 44: Cailyn's Home Birth with Postpartum Transfer for Baby

    Publié: 15/03/2024
  2. 54: Fixing Labor Stalls: When is Pitocin the Answer?

    Publié: 13/03/2024
  3. Birth Story 43: Kerri’s Unmedicated Births: Hospital Induction with Low Amniotic Fluid & Birth Center Postpartum Hemorrhage

    Publié: 08/03/2024
  4. 53: Fixing Labor Stalls Due to Baby's Position

    Publié: 06/03/2024
  5. Birth Story 42: Wanda's Transatlantic Move at 32 Weeks and Epidural Hospital Birth

    Publié: 01/03/2024
  6. 52: Understanding Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols, RDN

    Publié: 28/02/2024
  7. Birth Story 41: Jessica’s Vaginal Breech Birth in a Hospital

    Publié: 23/02/2024
  8. 51: Epidural Tips: Support Your Labor Progress with Pain Relief

    Publié: 21/02/2024
  9. Birth Story 40: Megan's Severe Preeclampsia C-Section & VBAC Induction at 35 Weeks

    Publié: 16/02/2024
  10. 50: First Trimester Fitness Recommendations & Myths Busted

    Publié: 14/02/2024
  11. Birth Story 39: Paige’s Hospital Induction with Epidural and Birth Center Unmedicated Birth after Recurrent Miscarriages

    Publié: 09/02/2024
  12. 49: Pushing Biomechanics and Tips for Birth

    Publié: 07/02/2024
  13. Birth Story 38: Dani’s Two Birth Stories: Elective Induction at 39 Weeks with an Epidural & Empowering Unmedicated Hospital Birth

    Publié: 03/02/2024
  14. 48: How to Use Social Media for Birth Preparation and Planning with midwife, Heather, CNM

    Publié: 31/01/2024
  15. Birth Story 37: Madison’s Unmedicated Hospital Birth with Surprise Nurse Delivery

    Publié: 26/01/2024
  16. 47: Balancing Hormones & Conceiving Through Egg Donor IVF with Jenni Sills

    Publié: 24/01/2024
  17. Birth Story 36: Lauren's Two Births: Unmedicated Induction and Successful ECV & Induction

    Publié: 19/01/2024
  18. 46: Navigating Pregnancy After Loss

    Publié: 17/01/2024
  19. Birth Story 35: Becky’s Unmedicated Hospital Birth and Postpartum Hemorrhage D&C

    Publié: 12/01/2024
  20. 45: Understanding Osteopathic Medicine with Dr. Sibyl Knight

    Publié: 10/01/2024

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MamasteFit is a prenatal & postpartum fitness and birth education company that offers a unique and comprehensive amount of education and experience surrounding the journey into parenthood, and beyond! Join sister duo, Gina (birth doula, founder, perinatal fitness trainer & Head Coach of MamasteFit), and Roxanne (Labor & Delivery Nurse and Student Midwife), as they discuss a myriad of topics related to pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum.

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