Dashu Mandarin Podcast

Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN


140 Épisodes

  1. Chinese Podcast EP78: How to Teach Chinese in a Creative Way?如何用戏剧化教学法有创意地教中文?

    Publié: 22/12/2023
  2. Chinese Podcast EP77: Does the Chinese Have Sex Education?中国人从小接受性教育吗?

    Publié: 15/12/2023
  3. Chinese Podcast EP76: This American Guy Speaks Perfect Chinese! 这个美国小伙的中文简直太惊人了!

    Publié: 08/12/2023
  4. Chinese Podcast EP75: Chinese Teacher's Life in Yunnan is Insane! 中文老师在云南的生活如此疯狂!

    Publié: 01/12/2023
  5. Chinese Podcast EP74: Why Chinese Student so Shy and Lacking Confidence? 为什么中国学生这么害羞没自信?

    Publié: 24/11/2023
  6. Chinese Podcast EP73: Are They Really Learning Chinese Language? 他们真的是在学中文吗?

    Publié: 17/11/2023
  7. Chinese Podcast EP72: Why do Chinese drink so much? 中国人为什么喝那么多酒?

    Publié: 11/11/2023
  8. Chinese Podcast EP71: She is the Chinese Interpreter of the First Lady of Indonesia 她是印尼第一夫人的翻译

    Publié: 03/11/2023
  9. Chinese Podcast EP70: Why are Chinese so Obsessed with Beauty APPs and Filters? 中国人为什么对美颜和滤镜着迷?

    Publié: 27/10/2023
  10. Chinese Podcast EP69: Why don't chinese want to get married? 中国人为什么不愿意结婚了?

    Publié: 20/10/2023
  11. Chinese Podcast EP68: He Learned to Speak Chinese by Translating Chinese Novels. 他翻译中国小说学会说流利中文

    Publié: 13/10/2023
  12. Chinese Podcast EP67: Why the Chinese Think Work is More Important Than Health? 为什么中国人不重视健康?

    Publié: 06/10/2023
  13. Chinese Podcast EP66: Why Chinese Speak so Indirectly? 中国人为什么有话不直说?

    Publié: 29/09/2023
  14. Chinese Podcast EP65: What Makes Chinese So Difficult to Learn? 中国学习上最大的困难有哪些?

    Publié: 22/09/2023
  15. Chinese Podcast EP64: How to Improve Your Chinese Speaking Skills?如何提高你的中文口语水平?

    Publié: 15/09/2023
  16. Chinese Story Podcast #2: 会说话的猫

    Publié: 12/09/2023
  17. Chinese Podcast EP63: How to Speak Standard Chinese as a Native Speaker? 如何说一口标准普通话?

    Publié: 08/09/2023
  18. Chinese Story Podcast #1: 拦路的狗

    Publié: 05/09/2023
  19. Chinese Podcast EP62: Why Did This Chinese Guy Go to Mexico During the Pandemic? 中国小伙为什么疫情期间去墨西哥?

    Publié: 01/09/2023
  20. Chinese Podcast EP61: What do the Chinese Girls Value the Most in a Relationship? 中国姑娘最看重伴侣什么品质?

    Publié: 25/08/2023

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Hello, everyone, it's Dashu Mandarin here. We're three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authentic and valuable Chinese learning materials for the Chinese learners of intermediate level and above. In this Podcast, we will talk about all kinds of things concerning China and Chinese culture, society, etc. You can also watch the video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfsNycNoClXZA1FuUJSGT0w Welcome to join us.