Chinese Podcast EP73: Are They Really Learning Chinese Language? 他们真的是在学中文吗?
Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN

Are They Really Learning Chinese Language? Today we will dive deep into the intriguing world of our countless students, each one a unique story waiting to be unfolded. As seasoned teachers, we've encountered students from diverse backgrounds, each bringing their own fascinating narratives to the classroom. In this episode, we spill the tea on some of our most interesting students, sharing snippets of their captivating journeys in learning Chinese. If you're curious about the myriad of stories hidden behind language learning or eager to discover the diverse motivations that lead people to study Chinese, this episode is your backstage pass to the untold tales of our students. Get ready for a podcast filled with surprises, laughter, and the inspiring stories of those navigating the labyrinth of Mandarin learning! Join us in this adventure on Dashu Mandarin! 他们真的在学中文吗?今天我们要谈谈我们教过的那些学汉语的学生,每一个学生背后都是一个独特的人生等待着被展开。作为经验丰富的老师,我们遇到过来自各种背景的学生,每个人都有一个精彩的故事。在这一期里,我们将匿名分享一些学生在学习中文过程中引人入胜的片段,如果你对语言学习背后的故事感到好奇,或者想了解是什么驱使着人们去学中文的各种动机,这一集将为你揭示学生们未曾讲述的故事。准备好迎接一场充满惊喜、欢笑以及那些在汉语学习的迷宫中努力奋斗的人们鼓舞人心的故事吧!加入我们的中文播客,在大叔中文度过美好时光!