Chinese Podcast EP78: How to Teach Chinese in a Creative Way?如何用戏剧化教学法有创意地教中文?
Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN

🌟 Get ready for an extraordinary episode! 🌐 Today, we're excited to welcome Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa, a visionary educator hailing from Spain and currently shaping language education at La Coruña's Official School of Languages. 🌟 准备迎接一场超级精彩的节目!🌐 今天,我们非常激动地邀请到了西班牙的莫帝博士(Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa),他是西班牙加利西亚教育局拉科鲁尼亚EOI官方语言学校的杰出教育家。 🚀 Dr. Modesto is at the forefront of language education, revolutionizing Chinese classrooms with Performative Language Teaching (PLT). Imagine a class where the teacher is the director, students are the actors, and the curriculum is the script! 🎭📚🚀 莫帝博士正引领着语言教育的最前沿,用戏剧化教学法(PLT)彻底改变着中文课堂。想象一下,一个课堂里老师是导演,学生是演员,教材是剧本!🎭📚 In this podcast, Dr. Modesto unfolds the art of being a "good director" in a Chinese language class. Dive into interactive and enjoyable activities that not only captivate the hosts but also promise a joyous learning experience! 🤩在这期播客中,莫帝博士将为我们揭示在中文课堂上成为“好导演”的艺术。让我们一同看看到底哪些活动让大叔们笑得合不拢嘴,玩得如此开心!🤩 This isn't your typical language class; it's an immersive journey where education meets entertainment. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Performative Language Teaching with the incredible Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa! 🎙️🌏这可不是你传统的语言课程;这是一场融合教育与娱乐的沉浸之旅。加入我们,一同探索戏剧化教学法的奇妙世界,与不可思议的莫帝博士共度这个令人振奋的时刻!🎙️🌏 如何联系莫帝博士?How to contact Dr. Modesto? Email: [email protected] WeChat code: modimodi001 Instagram: modestocorderi 莫帝博士最近的戏剧化教学法的论文 Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa's recent paper on Performative Language Teaching