Chinese Podcast EP77: Does the Chinese Have Sex Education?中国人从小接受性教育吗?
Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN

Sensible viewers, please be advised, as we delve into a topic that might be sensitive for some— sex education in China. Ever wondered how the Chinese approach this essential aspect of life? Join us as we unravel the layers of cultural nuances and societal perspectives, exploring whether sex education is integrated into the lives of the Chinese from a young age. This eye-opening conversation promises to challenge stereotypes and provide insights into a facet of Chinese culture that's seldom discussed. Stay tuned for an open, candid, and enlightening discussion that transcends boundaries and fosters understanding. Let's break the silence together on 'Does the Chinese Have Sex Education?' - a must-listen for the culturally curious and open-minded!" 🎙️🌏 请敏感的观众谨慎收看,因为我们将深入一个可能对某些人敏感的话题 — 在中国的性教育。你是否曾想过中国人是如何看待这个生命中至关重要的方面的?加入我们,揭开文化差异和社会观念的层层面纱,探讨中国人是否从小就融入性教育的生活。这场引人入胜的对话将挑战刻板印象,揭示中国文化中鲜少被讨论的一面。请收听这个开放、坦率、启发心智的讨论,超越界限,促进相互理解。让我们共同打破沉默,探讨‘中国人从小接受性教育吗?’ — 这是对于对文化充满好奇和心态开放的人而言不可错过的节目!