Chinese Podcast EP72: Why do Chinese drink so much? 中国人为什么喝那么多酒?

Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN


Why do Chinese drink so much? 当谈到中国的饮酒文化时,很多人都知道一些传统的礼节和习惯。但在今天的节目中,我们将探讨的不仅仅是传统,还有那些你可能从未听说过的奇怪而有趣的中国饮酒文化现象!我们将揭示酒桌上那些令人惊奇的规则,以及中国人如何通过饮酒来表达友谊和建立关系。无论你是对中国文化感兴趣,还是计划在中国生活,这期节目都将为你揭开一个崭新的视角。准备好进入中国的酒桌世界,一起探索中国文化吧!不要错过这期D大叔中文节目! When it comes to China's drinking culture, many people are familiar with some traditional etiquettes and customs. But in today's episode, we will explore not only the traditions but also the strange and fascinating aspects of Chinese drinking culture that you might have never heard of before! We will uncover surprising rules at the drinking table and how Chinese people use alcohol to express friendship and build relationships. Whether you're curious about Chinese culture or planning to live in China, this episode will provide you with a fresh perspective. Get ready to step into the world of China's drinking culture with Dashu Mandarin!