Simple Self-Care for Sensitive Souls, part of the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit

The Sensitive and Neurodivergent Podcast with Julie Bjelland - Un podcast de Julie Bjelland, LMFT


This interview is part of the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit a free online event. For more information, and to register free, click here. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. The modern world is often overwhelming and stressful for those with sensitive nervous systems. You often suffer from the challenges of sensory overload, impacting your mental health, and also your physical health. Fortunately, there are simple tools that Julie Bjelland, LMFT, will share that have helped thousands of highly sensitive people (HSPs) move from surviving into thriving, allowing you to live life to your fullest potential — because the world needs you. In this session, you'll discover: The modern world often causes sensory overload for sensitive people Solutions to the challenges of high sensitivity, including fierce self-care to stay balanced and healthy Sensitive people are needed to change the world

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