Finding the Right Language to Share Our Superpowers as HSPs with Willow and Julie
The Sensitive and Neurodivergent Podcast with Julie Bjelland - Un podcast de Julie Bjelland, LMFT

As many of us didn’t receive the right training we needed as children in order to really understand our trait as HSPs, we can often take for granted the gifts it gives us. This can mean that we tend to focus on the challenges rather than the advantages. Since the trait enables us to process sensory data more deeply the way this actualizes as higher sensory abilities can be very rewarding. Whilst we may be aware of these abilities to an extent we often gloss over them in the way they were when we were children. In reality, these abilities are deeply aligned with our gifts, what’s most important to us and what makes us great at what we do. When we find the right language to share them it’s much easier to bring them into service for our benefit and the benefit of others. Join us this week as we continue the conversation about learning to normalize the high sensory abilities we are born with and how to bring them into conscious ownership. HSPs are more intuitive, empathic, creative, and have extra special abilities. Recognize your value and embrace and honor your gifts! Give this Letter to your Medical and Mental Health Practitioners about the trait Please share and review this Podcast to help other HSPs. We love hearing from you and you can learn more about us at Explore all resources for HSPs at