Confidence a Discussion with Julie and Willow

The Sensitive and Neurodivergent Podcast with Julie Bjelland - Un podcast de Julie Bjelland, LMFT


I’ve noticed that so often something gets in the way of HSPs believing and accessing Confidence. Many of us have received messages our whole life that something is wrong with us for being so sensitive. Or maybe we have been so overwhelmed by the challenges of our sensitive nervous system that we are in survival mode, instead of truly living our life with purpose. Not having confidence can show up in the following ways not exploring your needs not advocating for your needs saying yes when you want to say no not moving forward if something isn’t perfect or being stuck in fear  of failure not doing something you want because you are pleasing others instead not believing you are worthy or good enough not living a life that honors and aligns with your values not starting or growing the business your calling wants of you All of this means your light won’t shine on others.  Let’s have a discussion about confidence. What is stopping you from what you want? What would you need to do to find it and let go of what’s holding you back from accessing the most beautiful parts of yourself and your inner gifts? I’ve been hearing a lot of HSPs be held back from the worry of judgment from others or being different or listening to others' expectations of you, or even self-judgment and fear of failure. Why is that? What would it take for you to let go of that? Worrying about what people think of us can zap our energy, taking away precious energy that could be used for creativity, growing, and embracing our life. Can we instead live in a space that honors our needs in the world? Can we stop thinking we need to fit in and be perfect and embrace our uniqueness? Can we commit to a more conscious way of living? Can we stay aware of which tools we need to use and develop to get out of survival mode and thrive? Can we practice self-compassion when we don’t get it all right? What could happen if you just decided to love and honor your sensitivity and embrace your uniqueness and do that thing you really want to do even if it’s not perfect. What could happen if you believe in your value? Please share these episodes to help other HSPs. Leave comments or voicemails, and explore all episodes at Learn how to join the Sensitive Empowerment Community: "The material that you both shared in this gem-packed presentation took me to my Growth Journal where I wrote as fast as I could, filling 5 big pages trying to capture your keen insights." "I too was taking notes like crazy during the podcast, and I'm planning on listening all the way through again this evening. Just "simple" nuggets like Julie's, "I am confident BECAUSE I have tools, self-compassion..." and Jenni's "Feeling like you belong gives you confidence".... have given me so much to reflect upon. It was truly a powerful discussion and so affirming! Thank you again, Julie and Willow!" "Oh my goodness! This all confirmed my own thoughts, feelings, experiences, and healing process. Such validation that I am indeed on the right track with how to be of highest service. I am indeed listening to that deep intuition AND embracing my unique abilities as a coach and especially as a hypnotherapist to help others to do the same! Bravo Julie Bjelland and Willow McIntosh for another uplifting event."

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