004: Vern Gambetta on a career at the front line of coaching
Supporting Champions - Un podcast de Steve Ingham - Les mercredis

004 Vern Gambetta on a career in coaching Guru or legend?! How Vern got into sport Role models Be a generalist not a specialist It’s still the human body, what are the differences and similarities between the different sports? Maintaining an open-mindedness. Don’t make assumptions! Generations of young people with negligible physical literacy Training sessions - how do we get more out of what we do? How do you design somebody’s journey from youth to senior athlete? Avoiding early specialisation - the conflict between art and science We need to educate the coaches to be better managers the resources they have. Early specialisation and generalising - what’s required? I am a student of history, continually asking where did this technique/coach come from? 3 Passionate about getting better at getting better Supporting Champions on Twitter www.twitter.com/support_champs Steve Ingham on Twitter www.twitter.com/ingham_steve Supporting Champions on Linkedin, www.linkedin.com/company/supporting-champions Instagram https://www.instagram.com/supportingchampions/ A reminder if you’re keen to pre-register for the next wave of Graduate Membership enrolments then you can do so at https://supportingchampions.co.uk/membership/ If you’re looking for some coaching support or some virtual team development help to support you to get to the next level in work, life or sport then take a look at https://supportingchampions.co.uk/coaching-mentoring/ or drop us a note at [email protected] then you can sign up for a free consultation to explore which package is right for you.