#51- i quit weightlifting for pilates...here is how my body & mind changed
leveling up with lana - Un podcast de lana - Les samedis

“so I quit weightlifting for pilates, and I have never physically and mentally felt better.” in the fall, I talked about quitting weightlifting for pilates (in episode 24). well, that lasted for about a few months, and I was back in a mentally tough time and back to weightlifting throughout the winter. my body felt puffy, I felt too bulky, I was not in tune with my body, and my hormones were out of balance. not to mention that I felt so depleted and was relying on cups of coffee to get through the day. I decided to ditch weightlifting for pilates two months ago, and I have never looked or felt better. I am enjoying my workouts, intuitive with my body, and even lost weight?!? listen on to find out more! 🤍 MENTIONS: * HealED Digital Eating Disorder Recovery Journals click here and use code LOVELYWITHLANAPOD for 20% off: https://scribbleandcodesign.etsy.com 🤍 FIND ME EVERYWHERE! find all my socials and everything else here: https://linktr.ee/lovelywithlana