#125- 20 lessons I learned turning 20 (healthy living, confidence, friendships, & more)
leveling up with lana - Un podcast de lana - Les samedis

join me in today’s special BIRTHDAY episode. it was my birthday this past week, and in this episode I reflect on the 20 lessons I have learned throughout my teenage-hood. lessons range from healthy eating, relationships, faith, mental health, confidence, and so much more. it is the perfect “girly self-improvement” in a nut-shell episode. I cannot wait to chat with you. 🤍 MENTIONS: Alexia Degremont Health Instagram Food Freedom Instagram Account Intuitive Eating Workbook find all my socials and everything else here: https://linktr.ee/lovelywithlana ThoughtX (connection app): https://linktr.ee/thoughtx 🤍 KEY WORDS: Confidence, wellness, pilates, fashion, pink pilates, pink pilates princess, lifestyle, soft-girl, aesthetic, weightlifting, gym-life, “that” girl podcast, girly podcast, pink, healthy, healthy food, lifestyle, luxury, workout, working out, consistency, discipline, self-care, self care, self love, business, entrepreneurship, friends, friendship, diet, weight-loss, healthy eating, morning routine, productive morning routine, 5 am club, christian girl, christian podcast, millionaire mindset, school year, 4.0 student, intuitive eating, anti-diet culture, organization, productivity, skincare, haircare, romanticize your life.