Un podcast de Joe Cain

43 Épisodes
#203 Baby-Botox: Anti-Aging Is Out Of Control | WeAreSTS
Publié: 07/11/2024 -
#202 Outlaw Ocean – Ian Urbina’s Book is STS1Book for 2024-25 | WeAreSTS
Publié: 15/09/2024 -
#201 Dark Matter and the Search for Elusive Evidence | WeAreSTS
Publié: 01/09/2024 -
Trailer | Season 2 | WeAreSTS
Publié: 15/08/2024 -
#30 Don’t Look Up! How Hollywood Imports Science Policy into Films | WeAreSTS
Publié: 03/11/2023 -
#29 Can Comedy Help Us Tackle Conversations About Climate Change? | WeAreSTS
Publié: 15/08/2023 -
#28 Promising Potential for Generative AI at University: Is it a Personal Tutor for Every Pocket | WeAreSTS
Publié: 08/08/2023 -
#27 Top Stories in Science Journalism from STS Students | WeAreSTS
Publié: 01/08/2023 -
#26 Women in History of Science Through 53 Original Sources | WeAreSTS
Publié: 21/07/2023 -
#25 Are We Over-Hyping Mindfulness for University Students? | WeAreSTS
Publié: 03/01/2023 -
#24 Who Are Museums REALLY Speaking For (And What About The Rest of Us) | WeAreSTS
Publié: 02/01/2023 -
#23 Journalism from STS Science Communication Master’s Students 2022 | WeAreSTS
Publié: 01/01/2023 -
#22 Thinking About Internationality: Is Science the Same Everywhere? | WeAreSTS
Publié: 31/12/2022 -
#21 Responsible Media Coverage: Hype in Our Stories About Chatbots | WeAreSTS
Publié: 30/12/2022 -
#20 Becoming Britain’s Chief Scientific Advisor: Solly Zuckerman | WeAreSTS
Publié: 29/12/2022 -
#19 Decolonise and Decenter STS: Reflections and Expectations | WeAreSTS
Publié: 28/12/2022 -
#18 Peer Review, Reviewed: A Closer Look at Scientific Publishing | WeAreSTS
Publié: 27/12/2022 -
#17 Journalism from STS Science Communication Students 2022 | WeAreSTS
Publié: 26/12/2022 -
#16 Gorgias: Plato Asks ‘Is It Better To Be Honest or Persuasive?’ | WeAreSTS
Publié: 23/12/2022 -
#15 Gemma Milne on SMOKE AND MIRRORS in conversation with Jack Stilgoe | WeAreSTS
Publié: 02/08/2022
Science and Technology Studies (STS) combines a wide range of subjects, including: history of science, philosophy of science, sociology of science, science policy, and science communication. WeAreSTS is an official podcast of the Department of Science and Technology Studies at University College London (UCL), hosted by Professor Joe Cain | ucl.ac.uk/sts/podcast