
Un podcast de Ripe


575 Épisodes

  1. HOA President SHOT Farm Animals & Called Police On Farmer!

    Publié: 08/10/2023
  2. HOA Karen Vandalized Ambulance After They Blocked Her Driveway!

    Publié: 07/10/2023
  3. HOA Karen STEALS Farmers Tractor When He REFUSES To Sell His Property To Her!

    Publié: 06/10/2023
  4. Karen Attacks Me At Steakhouse With Knife For Not Serving Her! I'm A Customer!

    Publié: 05/10/2023
  5. Neighbor Towed My ENTIRE Family From Our Driveway! Claims She Owns Half Of It!

    Publié: 04/10/2023
  6. COP Parks On My Private Land, Threatens To ARREST Me For TOWING Him!

    Publié: 03/10/2023
  7. Karen Cut Down My $240,000 Old Tree To Destroy HER House! Claims I MUST Pay Her Damages!

    Publié: 02/10/2023
  8. Karen Demands I PROVE My Blindness, Slaps Me When I Refuse!

    Publié: 01/10/2023
  9. Neighbor Karen Demands I GIVE HER My NEW House At GUNPOINT!

    Publié: 30/09/2023
  10. Racist Karen Bans Me From BANK! I'm The OWNER Of The BANK!

    Publié: 29/09/2023
  11. Racist Karen Calls COPS When I Swim Near My Riverfront Property! I OWN It!

    Publié: 28/09/2023
  12. Racist HOA Karen CUTS OFF My Kid's Hair! Wants US Arrested!

    Publié: 27/09/2023
  13. Karen Shoots Me When I REFUSE To "GIVE" Her My Husband!

    Publié: 26/09/2023
  14. HOA President Trespasses On My Farm! Pulls Shotgun On Me When I Refuse To JOIN HOA!

    Publié: 25/09/2023
  15. Karen Trespassed & Invited 100 Guests To My Property For Her Wedding! I Gave NO Permission!

    Publié: 24/09/2023
  16. HOA Cut Down $550,000 Worth Of Trees On My Property!

    Publié: 23/09/2023
  17. Karen CEO Fires Old Disabled Man! HUGE Mistake, All Patents Belong To Him!

    Publié: 22/09/2023
  18. HOA Fines Me $500 Daily For Semitruck On My Factory Property!

    Publié: 21/09/2023
  19. Pregnant Neighbor Demands I Give Her My Garden + POOL!

    Publié: 20/09/2023
  20. Karen Orders HER Kid To Vandalize My Mailbox!

    Publié: 19/09/2023

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Hi, I'm Ripe from! I'm a voice actor who reads and commentates Stories and brings the story to life! Welcome to rSlash / Ripe - Comedy readings of stories like r/justnohoa, r/neighborsfromhell, r/prorevenge, r/entitledpeople and other unique content!Become a supporter of this podcast:

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