Jewish Vegetarians: Biblical Teachings; Environmental Protection; Resource Conservation; Animal Rights - Vegan Principles

Un podcast de Jewish Vegetarians of North America

36 Épisodes

  1. Eighteen Arguments For Jews Not Being Vegetarians (and Why They Are Wrong)

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  2. Ten Strategies Toward a Vegetarian-Conscious World

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  3. Jewish Vegetarian and Environmental Messages from Shabbat morning Services

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  4. Is Religion a Friend or Foe of Animal Activism?

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  5. Jewish Teachings on the Proper Treatment of Animals

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  6. Is Fur a Jewish Issue?

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  7. Imagining a Vegetarian World

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  8. How Is This Holiday Different? - Thoughts on Tu B'Shvat

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  9. Part 1 "Should Jews be Vegetarians?" - Flatbush Jewish Community Center

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  10. Part 2 "Should Jews be Vegetarians?" - Flatbush Jewish Community Center

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  11. Interview of Richard Schwartz by podcast coordinator Joseph Puentes on Judaism and Vegetarianism

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  12. Richard Schwartz is interviewed on many vegetarian topics on Vegan World Radio, KPFT, Houston

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  13. Radio Interview about A Sacred Duty on WFRG Atlanta

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  14. Mike Hudak's Radio Interview with Richard Schwartz

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  15. Richard Schwartz is Interviewed by Bob Linden on GoVEGAN radio

    Publié: 22/01/2009
  16. Why Jews Should Be Vegetarians

    Publié: 21/01/2009

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These podcasts include interviews, talks and discussions involving Richard Schwartz, president of Jewish Vegetarians of North America ( and other Jewish Vegetarian leaders. Richard Schwartz can be contacted at [email protected]. He has many articles and various taped presentations at Audio editing by

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