I Should Be Writing

Un podcast de Mur Lafferty - Les lundis

Les lundis


449 Épisodes


    Publié: 24/04/2022
  2. [ISBW] What Makes a Setting Really Work?

    Publié: 21/04/2022
  3. [ISBW] Peek at Patreon: Grab Bag of Topics

    Publié: 14/04/2022
  4. [ISBW] How Should You Use Social Media?

    Publié: 13/04/2022
  5. [ISBW] Rights, Creative Commons, National Backup Day, BUT NOT BORING

    Publié: 07/04/2022
  6. [ISBW] What is “punching down” humor?

    Publié: 03/04/2022
  7. [ISBW] Opportunity vs Self Care: How Can You Tell?

    Publié: 02/04/2022
  8. [ISBW] Mystical Agent Wizards and their Wizarding Mysteries

    Publié: 01/04/2022
  9. [ISBW] Mystical Agent Wizards and their Wizarding Mysteries

    Publié: 31/03/2022
  10. [ISBW] Ursula Vernon, Chaos Demigoddess, Is In The House

    Publié: 25/03/2022
  11. [ISBW] Brain Weasels that have nothing to do with Writing

    Publié: 23/03/2022
  12. [ISBW] Fiction Traps and How to Avoid Them

    Publié: 17/03/2022
  13. [ISBW] Task Avoidance: We WANT to write… right?

    Publié: 16/03/2022
  14. [ISBW] Sanderson's Success, As Told Through Animal Crossing

    Publié: 12/03/2022
  15. [ISBW] How Can We Use Agency to Make Our Stories Better?

    Publié: 08/03/2022
  16. [ISBW] Story Bibles: What are they, Do I need one?

    Publié: 01/03/2022
  17. [ISBW] Which Word is Worst: Could or Should?

    Publié: 01/03/2022
  18. [ISBW] The End... ?

    Publié: 25/02/2022
  19. [ISBW] The End... ?

    Publié: 25/02/2022
  20. [ISBW] LIES

    Publié: 22/02/2022

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"I should be writing" is what people say, but they rarely do it. This podcast is designed to help you get past those blocks, whether it's what your teacher told you when you were a kid, to being totally sure you'll never be as good as (FAV AUTHOR) so you might as well quit.

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