Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk

Un podcast de Azumi


594 Épisodes

  1. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #534 「ニホンオオカミのはく製かもしれない」中学生の研究けんきゅうでわかる:Teenager helps identify Japanese wolf skin specimen

    Publié: 28/02/2024
  2. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #533 雪で作った冷蔵庫からりんごを出す仕事 子どもたちがやってみた:Children Take out apples from the fridge made of snow

    Publié: 21/02/2024
  3. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #532 輪島と珠洲 まだ仕事ができない会社が60%以上:Slow recovery from Noto Peninsula quake weighs on businesses

    Publié: 14/02/2024
  4. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #531 ファミリーマート プラスチックのスプーンなどを有料にする:FamilyMart in Japan to charge for plastic cutlery

    Publié: 24/01/2024
  5. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #530 技能実習生が働く所を変えにくくする案に弁護士が反対:Japan seeks to revise controversial trainee program

    Publié: 24/11/2023
  6. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #529 世界せかいの都市としランキング 東京とうきょうは3番ばん:Tokyo remains third in global power index

    Publié: 22/11/2023
  7. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #528 アニメ東京ステーションができた アニメを世界に紹介:New anime center opens in Tokyo

    Publié: 02/11/2023
  8. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #527 性同一性障害の人が戸籍の性別を変えることについて裁判所が判断:Japan's top court: Surgery requirement for gender change unconstitutional

    Publié: 30/10/2023
  9. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #526 渋谷区 ハロウィーンのときは来ないでと外国にも言う:Shibuya informs foreign press of Halloween party ban

    Publié: 12/10/2023
  10. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #525 不登校の小学生と中学生が今までで最も多くなった:School non-attendance in Japan hits record high

    Publié: 08/10/2023
  11. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #524 「世界を変える若い人」学校の規則を紹介する高校生が選えらばれた:High school student creates database of Japan's school rules

    Publié: 01/10/2023
  12. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #523 電動キックボード 警察が留学生に交通ルールを教える:Tokyo police hold seminar for foreign students on e-scooter rules

    Publié: 27/09/2023
  13. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #522 熱い日が続いて牛がたくさん死んだ:The death of dairy cows due to record heat

    Publié: 23/09/2023
  14. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #521 日本航空 ニューヨークへ行く飛行機にSAFを使う Japan Airlines flight uses sustainable fuel in 1-week trial

    Publié: 20/09/2023
  15. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #520 福島第一原発 処理した水を海に流す作業の1回目が終わった First round of treated water release from Fukushima Daiichi plant completed

    Publié: 13/09/2023
  16. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #519 日本のロケット「H2A」月を調べる探査機を宇宙に運んだ Japan's H2A rocket places satellite and probe into orbit

    Publié: 10/09/2023
  17. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #518 100年前の関東大震災 東京の様子がわかる写真 Learn Lessons from the pictures of the Great Kanto Earthquake

    Publié: 03/09/2023
  18. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #517 環境省「福島県の海のトリチウムの濃度はとても低い」Tritium 'not detectable' in fish caught off Fukushima nuclear plant

    Publié: 30/08/2023
  19. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #516 Japan begins releasing treated water from Fukushima Daiichi plant 福島第一原発 24日から処理した水を海に流し始めた

    Publié: 27/08/2023
  20. Azumi’s Easy Japanese Small Talk #515 Japan sets date for treated water release from Fukushima Daiichi plant 福島第一原発の処理した水 24日よりあとに海に流す

    Publié: 23/08/2023

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This is a podcast for those who are learning Japanese. I’ll talk about an article of News Web Easy per episode for about 20 mins. 🔶The first 5-min for small talk and reading aloud an article for "beginner learners" 🔶The next 15-min for an explanation of the article for "N4-level le" 🔶After 20-min for providing deep background or information for "intermediate learners" Here is my listener's thought why they think we should listen to this podcast even if we cannot understand it well.⇨