Why I Boycott Yoga Alliance Pt.1
Yin Yoga Podcast - Un podcast de Nyk Danu - Les vendredis

This is the beginning of a little mini-series on the subject of the Yoga Alliance. I always meant to do an episode on Yoga Alliance because there are so many misconceptions about Yoga Alliance, what they are, what they aren't, and whether or not you need to be registered with Yoga Alliance to teach Yoga (spoiler alert the answer is no). My Therapeutic Yin Training is not registered with Yoga Alliance and neither am I. So I'll talk in the second half of this first episode about my own story with Yoga Alliance and why I don't use or support Yoga Alliance, but I'll get into that in the second half. I wanted to serve as an introduction to the two-part series. So there will be this week's episode with an interview with, Suzanne Dulin, so she will start off the series. And then you'll hear from me and then in the second half of this episode, Next week for Part 2 I have two more guests as well, Brea Johnson and Alexandra Crow. So I'll introduce them in that in part 2, but I just wanted to plant the seed that this is a two-parter. So this is a mini Yoga Alliance series. I always intended to do a podcast on Yoga Alliance, an episode on the Yoga Alliance. And then actually it was requested as well so here we go. The original video of Suzanne's that I mentioned https://youtu.be/0nfqAcDix58?si=L4AeuAdGGeyaIcmJ Suzanne's Website: https://www.getabiggerboat.com/ Yoga Teachers: Join The Waitlist for my Therapeutic Yin Yoga Training at the bottom and top of the Page To Join my Yin Yoga Classes on Zoom To subscribe to my On-Demand Video Library: Full Show Notes https://nykdanu.com/teachers/yin-yoga-teacher-training/yin-yoga-podcast/ Anatomy for Yoga with Paul Grilley Hang Drum Music by Fred Westra