What is Advanced Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga Podcast - Un podcast de Nyk Danu - Les vendredis

In this episode, we will dive into this question what is an advanced Yin Yoga? So in the yogaverse, which we are all probably part of Yoga has been taken from its original intent and has been turned into a bunch of funny shapes that you make with your body. So most of the time when teachers are asking this question, they're talking about the Asana or the shapes. They're talking about these pretzel poses that we make with our bodies, and they want to know about advanced Asana. So here are some problems with that concept. First of all, what is an advanced Asana to one person might be completely simple to another. So there is no way to say, this is an advanced pose, and this is a beginner pose. For example: One person could be super comfortable sitting on the floor in meditation. Another person could struggle with that just even sitting cross-legged. And yet that same person who has trouble sitting cross-legged could do a handstand in the middle of the room, but can't sit still and quiet on the floor in meditation. So which one is the advanced Yogi? Regular Podcast Links for Spotify/Blog: Yoga Teachers: Join The Waitlist for my Therapeutic Yin Yoga Training at the bottom and top of the Page To Join my Yin Yoga Classes on Zoom To subscribe to my On-Demand Video Library: Full Show Notes Anatomy for Yoga with Paul Grilley Hang Drum Music by Fred Westra