Episode 119: Hear Him! The Restored Voice of the Lord (Anthony Sweat)

Y Religion - Un podcast de BYU Religious Education

As Professor of Church History and Doctrine Anthony Sweat dropped off a recent painting entitled Jesus of Nazareth, he was met with the response, “That’s not what Jesus looks like.” After a few laughs, Professor Sweat revealed that he intentionally avoided the Euro-centric depiction of Christ. Rather, he implemented elements of Roman Judea men—middle height, honey or olive-colored skin, and shorter black hair and beards. In this episode, Prof. Sweat answers the imperative question that came from this experience, “How do we know the Lord—his characteristics, priorities, doctrines, and commands?” In answering this question, he introduces a four-part study approach from Doctrine and Covenants 19:23 to guide us through our efforts to truly know and understand the Savior. This approach includes the following precepts: Learn of Me (studying the character and nature of Christ), Listen to My Words (analyzing the doctrines, principles, and truths imparted by Jesus), Walk in the Meekness of My Spirit (applying the Savior’s teachings in our lives such as following his commands, directives, and warnings), and Peace in Me (recognizing the peace, comfort, and blessings that come from following him). By using this model in our personal scripture study, we can gain a holistic view of the Savior's character, teachings, commands, and promises, leading us to a deeper and more accurate understanding of him.   Publications:  “‘Hear Him!’: The Restored Voice of the Lord” from Doctrine and Covenants Insights: Capstone of Doctrinal Understanding (Religious Studies Center, 2025) Repicturing the Restoration: New Art to Expand Our Understanding (Religious Studies Center, 2020) “A Method for Evaluating Latter-day Saint History” (Religious Educator, 21.3, 2020) Website: https://www.anthonysweat.com/   Click here to learn more about Anthony Sweat 

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