Episode 113: Using the Beatitudes to Understand Christ’s Atonement and Grace (Brad Wilcox)
Y Religion - Un podcast de BYU Religious Education

In 3 Nephi 12:1—12 the resurrected Savior delivers an address to the Nephites similar to the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5; Luke 6) and presents the Beatitudes. Like the Matthew 5 account, the Book of Mormon record details how we might enter and build a covenantal relationship with God through the “interrelated and progressive” arrangement of the Beatitudes (Bible Dictionary). But what additional insight does the 3 Nephi account offer that isn’t preserved in the New Testament? In this episode Dr. Brad Wilcox, professor of ancient scripture, discusses his book Blessed Are Ye: Using the Beatitudes to Understand Christ’s Atonement and Grace, co-authored with his brother Roger Wilcox. He details varied interpretations of the Beatitudes, connects them to the first principles and ordinances of the gospel, and examines their relationship to latter-day temple covenants. As we study the Beatitudes, they become more than a code of conduct. Rather, they can be a holy invitation from Christ Himself to enter a covenant relationship with Him, receive His grace, and become like Him. Publications: Blessed Are Ye: Using the Beatitudes to Understand Christ’s Atonement and Grace (Covenant Communications, 2023) “His Grace Is Sufficient” (BYU Speeches, 2011) Changed through His Grace (Deseret Book, 2017) The Continuous Atonement (Deseret Book, 2009) Your Patriarchal Blessing (Deseret Book, 2021) “Be Not Faithless, but Believing” (Religious Educator, 25.2, 2024) “Applying the Atonement of Jesus Christ” (Religious Educator, 12.2, 2011) “Names in the Book of Mormon” (Y Religion, episode 83, 2023) “Answers About Patriarchal Blessings” (Y Religion, episode 46, 2021) Click here to learn more about Brad Wilcox