#74: The Polyvagal Theory with Expert Dee Wagner
Master Your Energy™ - Un podcast de Megan Wren - Les jeudis

In this episode we interview Polyvagal Theory expert Dee Wagner! Dee Wagner is a performer, dance movement therapist, and the Originator of Chi for Two®! In this episode, we talk: - What is the Polyvagal Theory - Anatomical explanation of the vagus nerve and your nervous system - What is Chi for Two® - How to connect with yourself, and tune into and improve your sense of self so you can better connect with others - Why feeling safe is so important - How our development influences our behavior as adults - and more!! Watch the video version of the podcast: https://youtu.be/HLcqDmbCoME Learn More about Dee Wager and Chi for Two®: https://www.chifortwo.com/