#62: Resiliency, Purpose, and More with Special Guest Jill Hollander
Master Your Energy™ - Un podcast de Megan Wren - Les jeudis

Meet today's Special Guest Jill Hollander!Featured in U.S News and World Report, Associated Press, Entrepreneur andthe American Heart Association, Jill Hollander is a speaker, certified life andhealth coach, and writer who inspires those around her to recognize theircourage, reframe their challenges and reinvent their lives. By recognizing herown innate fighting spirit and conviction at a very early age, Jill hasestablished herself as an authority on authentic confidence and unparalleledresilience. Simultaneously using the power of her own story to empowerpeople to find their YES in every facet of their lives, Jill helps people aroundthe world gain perspective and boldly claim what is truly important.Born with a congenital heart defect that required a heart transplant before herhigh school graduation, she has since had not just one, but six, triumphantresponses to every Lymphoma diagnosis, each one only deepening herdetermination to rise above, to honor the transitions and to actively craft a lifeof purpose. Whether speaking to individuals about the importance of not justprevailing, but thriving, in the face of adversity, to corporations about buildingresilient teams within their organizations, Jill is living proof that we don’t haveto simply play the cards we were dealt. We have the power to use them to winthe game.In this podcast episode we talk: - Moving through emotions- Resiliency- Moving through challenges not around them- Using emotion to empower ourselves- How to clear out things that aren't serving you and how that may look different than you anticipated- How to find and trust your voice - and much more!Learn more about Jill and grab your YES GUIDE here: https://jillhollander.com/about-jill/