what I wish someone had told me sooner

Want to know why you’re not making money? You’re addicted to everything BUT selling. (Sounds a little harsh, I know, but stick with me - I’m dropping the loving truth bomb you need this week.) In today’s episode, I’m sharing what I wish people had told me sooner in my business and the BIGGEST things holding you back from the clients, the money & the difference you’re here to make.  I really want you to make it in this game. Ready to find out how I made the shift from hiding in my business - to making millions? Let’s get into it. I dive into: What I wish someone would have told me sooner - and how I eventually learned that shit! Dealing with fuckups in your business Exploring where you suck at sales & forcing yourself to do it The BIGGEST reason I make as much money as I do (this might surprise you) And more Learn more about my current offers: https://www.juliacwells.com/ Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

Om Podcasten

This podcast is for boss ass bitches who are looking for an alternative to hustle, burnout, hiding parts of who they are, and playing by rules created by men for men. Some fabulous guests and I will teach you each week about your super power as a woman (pussy - both physical + energetic) and how to use it to create more pleasure and profit in business and a life that’s legit better IRL than on IG. The truth is, pussy always creates more profit. Wanna learn how? Subscribe and tune in weekly! Real, raw, hilarious and helpful. If you aren’t saying ‘hell yes!’ or ‘wait...WTF?!’ on the reg, I’m not doing my job.