Black Lightning

Victims and Villains - Un podcast de Victims and Villains

Welcome to another great episode of Victims and Villains. This episode features Full Belly Laughs Podcast & the Gwen Seven Saga. Join us in our review of Black Lightning's pilot, the new Tomb Raider trailer, Dundee & of course new stories in the world of suicide prevention and mental health. If you're reading this right now and you or someone you know is struggling with suicide, addiction, self-harm or depression - please reach out. Simply comment below or reach out to us on social media, call the suicide lifeline (1-800-273-8255) or text 741-741. Your life has value!


Opening Music - Logan McElroy "52 Plus Theme"

Transitiion Music - Shawn Davis "Hope Speaks Louder"

Closing Music - Harold "La La Love You (Ode to Pixies)"

Artwork - Candice Comelleri 

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