The Unbounded - Explained
Unbounded with Sorina Maria - Un podcast de Sorina Maria
Welcome to episode #1 of Unbounded – The Podcast. I am so excited to kick off these raw, intuitive, and deeply insightful talks where we’ll talk about business, money manifestation and everything in-between!We start this series with a conversation between me and my right hand who is both my sister and my business partner in MindfulTricks. In this episode, we wanted to “take the world with us in one of our conversations”, so you will see a deeply intimate, light-hearted yet deep conversation around our definition of being unbounded, how we broke free from the rules in post-communist Romania, how we learned to decondition the standard definition of success and how life feels like when you own your truth and authenticity.We hope these uncensored series bring you whatever you need right at this very moment, and if it does, we’d love to hear from you so leave a comment or tag us on Instagram with your main takeaway from the episode.With love,Sorina & Andreea