Street Focus 73: Q&A and Street Challenge

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Street Focus 73: Q&A and Street Challenge

This week my guest co-host is the new executive director of the Minneapolis Photo Center, Jeff Harrington. He gives advice to photographers interested in exhibiting their work in a gallery and much more. Thank you Rich Flansburg, Ken Lyons, Steve Brokaw and Kim Britt Saros for submitting your questions.

Who is Jeff Harrington?

Jeff Harrington

When I was 8 years old my mom returned from Reub’s Camera in Minot, ND with a pack of 24 color prints from the family Agfa rangefinder and calmly asked my father; “Gene, who took all these strange pictures of the swing set?”  That’s when I knew.

On to high-school photo class, enough years at SCSU to finish journalism and marketing, and a 15-year media production Master’s class with Smitty Schuneman at Media Loft, shooting bricks of Ektachrome, directing film and video, and muscling corporate meetings in and out of Las Vegas ballrooms.  As president, I helped grow our staff of 12 into a world-class production juggernaut of 50 talented media-makers. Among other accomplishments, we had the good fortune to help transform Target into “Tarzhay”.

I moved on to big-brand advertising as Vice President at BBDO, working both in Minneapolis and New York, and will neither confirm NOR deny that I produced the Jesse Ventura Inaugural Party at Target Center, and the SPAM Museum Jam for Hormel Foods.  Just after 9/11, I dove into the digital world as president of Popular Front Interactive, and helped grow its brand into a national digital marketing agency.

Throughout my professional career I've made it a priority to exhibit my color photographs in art galleries, both in one-man shows and group exhibits.

My experiences at the MPLS Photo Center over the last few years have been wonderful, and now career-changing. The Center harbors a uniquely vibrant photo community, and is a mecca for photographers. More than 1,000 photographers took a Photo Class at the Center in 2015.  I’m honored to take it forward. Please stop by, we'll talk about pictures! 
Link to The Mpls Photo Center

And the Winners are...

Jeff picked an image by Mark Farrington titled: Little St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge.


©Mark Farrington

Valerie picked an image by Robin Wallin titled: Silhouettes from a foggy morning in Lund, Sweden. Follow Robin on Instagram!

Both winners will receive a 1-year subscription to Street Photography Magazine.

Picks of the Week

Jeff's pick is the Vinsic 22  Watt Dual-Port Solar Panel

Valerie's pick is Photojournalism The Professional Approach by Kenneth Kobre

New Street Challenge: REFLECTIONS! Listen to the show to get some tips and submit your best shot by March 3 in the comment section bellow. Good luck!

Examples of reflections from Jeff and Valerie:

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