#9 – Dominique Giovine “I needed to let go of this image of perfection”

Tips to the Top - Un podcast de LVMH


Dominique Giovine is half French and half American. She grew up in Bordeaux, surrounded by great vineyards, then went on to university in the US where she studied advertising. Dominique “felt enamored with Moët Hennessy” and has been working for the Maison for more than 20 years now. She started in sales and evolved through the years to become Vice-President and General Manager for the mid-south region of the USA, at Moët Hennessy. Ten years ago, Dominique was just promoted head of the Georgian market for Moët Hennessy. At that time, her husband was trying to open a new restaurant and to raise funds. The financial pressure on the couple was high, with two young children to take care of: not exactly the perfect situation to start a new job.  During the first year in her new job, Dominique held out. But at the end of the year, she admitted it wasn’t working. She wanted to quit, but her husband convinced her otherwise. At first, she panicked, then she had a click: she would find a solution because giving up was not in her DNA. She worked hard and succeeded once she accepted to stop trying to be perfect: "I needed to let go of this image of perfection, that everything is ok. You do what you can do".