Episode 71: How do I divorce my narcissistic wife?
Thrive After Abuse - Un podcast de Dana Morningstar

Dear Dana, How do I divorce my narcissistic wife?
I am married to an evil and hateful woman. She didn't start off this way. When we were dating she was so good to me. She always made time for me and made me my favorite meals. And she encouraged me to spend time with my friends. Once we got married everything changed. She's made the last 20 years of my life a living hell. Only our children see how awful she is. She is active in our church and volunteers all the time. She hasn't worked a day in the past 20 years while I've worked two jobs to support our family. It's not like she was a stay at home mom which I would have totally supported. Our kids were in daycare before school and then after school. I found out that she's racked up over $75,000 in credit card debt that I knew nothing about. She's refinanced our house; all the equity is gone. I've waited to leave until our children were grown and moved out. I'm ready to leave her but I'm scared of what she's going to do. How do I divorce a woman like this?
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