Episode 69: What are healthy boundaries?
Thrive After Abuse - Un podcast de Dana Morningstar

Can you talk more about boundaries? What are healthy boundaries? Are there unhealthy boundaries? I've been told in my past that I've been violating boundaries. But once my eyes were opened I realized that it was just another way for the narcissist to lie to me and blame me for being wrong.
Have a question you'd like answered in a future podcast episode or YouTube video? If so, send me an email me at: [email protected] (make sure to use a name that you feel comfortable with me putting on the air).
The live streams happen every Wednesday at 8:30pm EST over on my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/thriveafterabuse and they run for about 2.5 hours.
If you are looking for support, I have two support groups (both are free). The first one is on my website: www.thriveafterabuse.com/forum and the second one is on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HealingAfterNarcissisticAbuse (it is a closed group, but please make sure to read the group rules before you post so that you can change any privacy settings you may need to in order to stay safe).
Looking for daily motivation, inspiration, or more information about narcissism in general? You can find me (Dana Morningstar) at: