Episode 56: How Do Narcissists Manipulate People?
Thrive After Abuse - Un podcast de Dana Morningstar

Narcissists target people based on supply and in order to get that supply, they manipulate their vulnerabilities. They do this is in a wide variety of ways, most of which fall within the realm of what I call "I CHIVE" which stands for: Isolation, Charm, Hope, Intimidation, Violence, and Emotion. In order for us to prevent being manipulated, it's really helpful if we know what manipulative behavior looks like in motion so we don't keep getting sucked in by it.
...Towards the tail end of this podcast, I talk about the need for us to use logic and reason when interacting with someone and not go based off of our emotions. What I meant by this is to not go based off of the emotions that were being manipulated or the emotions of being blinded by our "love" for them. It's important that we see their behavior for what it is and then respond accordingly.
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