International students from Lusophone countries in Portugal: Building a new relationship on colonial history
THESIS: Trends in Higher Education Systems in International Spheres - Un podcast de THESIS Podcast - Les jeudis

Today the conversation focuses on international student flows between Portugal and what is known as the Lusophone sphere, or countries which share a historical past with Portugal and where Portuguese is still an official language. We speak with Dr. Cristina Sin, Assistant Professor at Universidade Lusófona in Porto, whose research focuses on internationalization in Portugal, and discuss international student flows to Portugal from countries which were former colonies. Sin, C., Tavares, O., Aguiar, J. & Amaral, A. (2022). More students and more diverse: new trends in international mobility to Portugal. Tertiary Education and Management. Sin, C., Tavares, O., Aguiar, J., Biscaia, R., & Amaral, A. (2022). International students in Portuguese higher education: who are they and what are their choices?. Studies in Higher Education, 47(7), 1488-1501.