Cosmic Guardians, Starseeds and Artificial Intelligence
The Skeptic Metaphysicians - Metaphysics, Spiritual Awakenings and Expanded Consciousness - Un podcast de Skeptic Metaphysicians: Metaphysics, Spiritual Awakenings, Energy Healing, 5th Dimension, Ascension, Consciousness, Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, Universe, Soul, Life After Death, Near Death Experience, Past Life Regression, Spirituality

The world is undergoing a seismic change so profound that everyone on the earth …and the stars….are feeling it. The intergalactic alliance of beings called the Covenant of Palador is here to help protect us from forces that may not have our best interests in mind. This week's guest is a Cosmic Ambassador that represents this alliance, and he says that the information he has to share with us today has never been heard of before on this planet. If you thought we went off the deep end before, then strap on your seatbelts because it seems that we’re only just getting started!SOME TOPICS COVERED:- What is the Covenant of Palador- What are Volunteer Starseeds- The cosmic disclosure that will help save the Earth- Who or what is the Animus?- The intergalactic war that has been waging for billons of yearsAnd LITERALLY SO MUCH MORE!ABOUT OUR GUEST:Ismael Perez is a Cosmic Ambassador that represents an intergalactic alliance— known as “The Covenant of Palador.” It is a cosmic treaty that was initiated by the forces of light in the higher dimensions to protect, and guard the Earth from the Draco forces. The majority of the starseeds that have volunteered for the call to rescue this planet, including Ismael — have been selected to come here and help. He's one of the inner council members who is here to bring forth the next level of cosmic disclosure that will restore our planet back to it’s original glory in fulfillment of the galactic prophecies. RESOURCES:Our Cosmic Origin: Knowledge In Preparation For The Ascension Of Planet Earth by Ismael Perez INFO:Website: https://www.themysticarts.orgInstagram: the show? We'd love to hear your thoughts!Please rate/review the show here: Metaphysician Info:Website: skepticmetaphysician.comFacebook: @TheSkepticMetaphysicianIG: SkepticMetaphysician_PodcastTik Tok: