Episode 50 - The Best Advice for Speakers

The Secret to Success... Isn't So Secret! - Un podcast de The Secret to Success Isn't So Secret!


I am very excited and happy to share with you that I recently was featured in a small book by some of the best speakers out there, and my advice was written in the book called the Best Advice for Speakers. You may know some of the names that share their advice in this book such as Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, John DeMartini, Sharon Lechter, Jim Cathcart, Raymond Aaron, Douglas Vermeeren, Valen Vergara and Greg Reid. So I am going to share some of the best advice that these speakers give about having success as a speaker, and you can find the book on Amazon under the title “The Best Advice For Speakers.” https://www.amazon.com/Best-Advice-Speakers-Douglas-Vermeeren/dp/B093KKPFYP/ref=sr_1_1?crid=YKO24874VD33&dchild=1&keywords=the+best+advice+for+speakers&qid=1620735069&sprefix=the+best+advice+for+s%2Caps%2C196&sr=8-1  If you would like more information about #TeenUp, visit: https://maggiovirtualacademy.com/teenup/ For more information about how you can help sponsor educational programs for underserved populations and Maggio Multicultural Foundation, visit: www.maggiomulticulturalfoundation.org

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