008 - The Hungrier The Better
Today’s quick tip is: The Hungrier you are the better
1. As a student, you will have a better chance of landing a good internship
2. As a pro, you will have a better chance of advancing your career
3. You will make more $$ for the obvious reason of you putting in more hours
Also you could use your hunger as a negotiating tool (jog description…..go above and beyond.. incentives or %’s) – MY EMPLOYEES
4. Doors may open (Like for my head pro in episode 7)
5. You get more experience
6. You may think you know it all, Like I did, but nothing can trump experience
1. Run a mixer
2. Entry level event
3. Start a new program
4. Offer to string if there is overflow
5. Umpire at club events
6. Watch players at tournament (Adult lgs and juniors)
Bottom Line: Get Hungry as an entry level pro and stay hungry as a seasoned pro. This is how you got to where you are in the first place, so keep doing what you are doing to be successful.
Good luck and email me with any questions,
Coach Mick, USPTA