PDS 8.10 I'M GLAD MY MOM DIED... Why Ariana Grande Jennette McCurdy Backlash Misses The Point & More
The Philip DeFranco Show - Un podcast de The Philip DeFranco Show

Go to https://cuts.team/phillyd and use code PHILLYD to get 15% off your first order! Join Me at http://PhilSpeaksSpanish.com to get 60% OFF! News You Might Have Missed: https://youtu.be/hBhoXOrK6iU TEXT ME! +1 (813) 213-4423 Get More Phil: https://linktr.ee/PhilipDeFranco – 00:00 - Jennette McCurdy’s Memoir Sparks Discourse 05:24 - David Portnoy Says Video of Opposing Little Leaguers Hugging Is Not Sportsmanship 08:00 - Cuts Clothing 08:50 - Facebook Turned Over Nebraska Teen’s DMs to Police 11:52 - Trump Testifies in NY AG Investigation 13:21 - Rocket Language 14:29 - Rep. Ro Khanna Talks SCOTUS Term Limits – Learn a new language and start a FREE trial today plus 60% OFF if you signup at http://PhilSpeaksGerman.com http://PhilSpeaksChinese.com http://PhilSpeaksFrench.com http://PhilSpeaksJapanese.com http://PhilSpeaksRussian.com http://PhilSpeaksArabic.com http://PhilSpeaksItalian.com http://PhilSpeaksPortuguese.com http://PhilSpeaksHindi.com http://PhilSpeaksKorean.com http://PhilSpeaksASL.com – ✩ TODAY’S STORIES ✩ Jennette McCurdy’s Memoir Sparks Discourse: https://roguerocket.com/2022/08/10/jennette-mccurdy-memoir/ David Portnoy Says Video of Opposing Little Leaguers Hugging Is Not Sportsmanship: https://www.chron.com/sports/article/Video-Emotional-Texas-Little-League-pitcher-17362479.php Facebook Turned Over Nebraska Teen’s DMs to Police: https://twitter.com/motherboard/status/1557078908134211584?s=20&t=sIW57ES4QwjsaKPVBCMfnQ Trump Testifies in NY AG Investigation: https://roguerocket.com/2022/08/10/trump-pleads-the-fifth/ Rep. Ro Khanna Talks SCOTUS Term Limits: https://roguerocket.com/2022/08/10/rep-khanna-supreme-court-term-limits/ —————————— Produced by: Cory Ray Edited by: James Girardier, Maxwell Enright, Julie Goldberg, Christian Meeks Art Department: Brian Borst, William Crespo Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian Espinoza, Maddie Crichton, Lili Stenn, Chris Tolve Production Team: Emma Leid ———————————— #DeFranco #JennetteMcCurdy #ArianaGrande ————————————