Episode 682: 'Open Society' and the 'Transgender Industrial Complex' w/ Scott Howard
The Pete Quiñones Show - Un podcast de Peter R Quiñones

75 Minutes PG-13 Scott Howard is a Nebraska researcher and author of the books, "The Transgender Industrial Complex," and "The Open Society Playbook." Scott joins Pete to talk about his two books in which he shows that much of the same money and backing propping up and strengthening the transgender "phenomenon" is associated with the same people connected to George Soros' "Open Society." Today’s Sponsors Go to https://artofliberty.org/indiegogo-campaign/ and get a discount for pre-ordering “Government - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!” and, THC Hemp Spot - Promo Code "pete" for 15% Off https://thchempspot.com/ref/pete The Open Society Playbook The Transgender-Industrial Complex Get Autonomy 19 Skills PDF Download The Monopoly On Violence Support Pete on His Website Pete's Patreon Pete's Substack Pete's Subscribestar Pete's Paypal Pete's Books on Amazon Pete on Facebook Pete on Twitter