Episode 535: The 'Cathedral' Says The Quiet Parts Out Loud w/ Vin Armani

The Pete Quiñones Show - Un podcast de Peter R Quiñones

75 Minutes PG-13 Vin Armani is back to talk about the recent Time Magazine article, "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election," in which the powers that be admit a secret cabal conspired to "fend off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time." There's a lot here. The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election Episode 478: We've Entered The 'Dim Age' w/ Vin Armani Episode 493: Navigating 'The Dim Age' w/ Vin Armani Episode 499: The Final 'Dim Age' Discussion w/ Vin Armani Counter Market Newsletter Buy "Self-Ownership" Vinarmani.com Soros' General Theory of Reflexivity Get Autonomy 19 Skills PDF Download The Monopoly On Violence Pete's Patreon Pete's Substack Pete's Paypal Pete's Books on Amazon Pete's Books Available for Crypto Pete on Facebook

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