Episode 373: An ANCAP Explains How He Nullified a Federal Drug Trial
The Pete Quiñones Show - Un podcast de Peter R Quiñones

60 Minutes Some Strong Language Pete invited Slappy from the Rollo and Slappy Show to come on and explain how he used jury nullification in a federal drug trial to help a few non-violent offenders walk. This will encourage and enrage you. The Rollo and Slappy Show Episode 153 - The PCP Trial Pt. 1, The Juror Perspective Episode 155 - The PCP Trial Pt. 2, James Nixon - The Defendant's Perspective Slappy on Twitter TakeHumanAction.com Link to Richard Grove's Autonomy Course Donate at the Libertarian Institute Pete's Link to Sign Up for the LP Lions of Liberty Podcast Pete's Patreon Pete's Books on Amazon Pete's Books Available for Crypto Pete on Facebook Pete on Twitter