Episode 295: An Overview of Militias in American History

The Pete Quiñones Show - Un podcast de Peter R Quiñones

63 Minutes PG-13 Pete asked Brian Miller and Sam Jacobs of ammo.com to come on the show and talk about a series of articles they've released detailing the history of militias in America from the pre-revolution days all the way up to modern times. $20 Off $200 Order Link https://ammo.com/articles/guns-nra-and-american-civil-rights-movement-guide https://ammo.com/articles/asymmetrical-warfare-4gw-americas-domestic-viet-cong https://ammo.com/articles/democide-hitler-stalin-mao-state-violence-guide https://ammo.com/articles/democide-hitler-stalin-mao-state-violence-guide Indiegogo for The Monopoly on Violence Pete's Patreon Pete's Bitbacker Pete's Books on Amazon Pete's Books Available for Crypto Pete on Facebook Pete on Twitter

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