Episode 268: From Fighting 'Somali Pirates' to Voluntaryism w/ 'Pat' Watson
The Pete Quiñones Show - Un podcast de Peter R Quiñones

70 Minutes Rated R Pete invited Randy 'Pat' Watson to come on the show. Pat is former Coast Guard and local law enforcement who embraced the thoughts of liberty and decided to leave those professions behind. He talks about his days fighting Somali Pirates, patrolling the waters around Guantanamo Bay and participating in local law enforcement. Uncensored Tactical Various Links to Articles Related to Pat's Work in the Coast Guard https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/11/28/u-s-coast-guard-operating-secret-floating-prisons-pacific-ocean/900462001/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P8Bkwj2IRM https://www.stripes.com/news/task-force-seizes-pirate-mother-ship-1.91533 Free Ross Petition Pete's Patreon Pete's Bitbacker Pete's Books on Amazon Pete's Books Available for Crypto Pete on Facebook Pete on Twitter