Episode 235: Challenging the Abortion 'Eviction' Argument w/ Kerry Baldwin
The Pete Quiñones Show - Un podcast de Peter R Quiñones

48 Minutes Suitable for All Ages One of those subjects that is a constant divider in libertarian circles is abortion. Dave Smith talked about it recently and people started asking me questions about how I view it. I don't think I have any original arguments on the subject so I found someone who did. Kerry Baldwin is the host of the Dare to Think Podcast and truly blew my mind with her take on the subject. Especially since I think she destroys the "Eviction" teaching on the subject. How the Prolife Movement is Aborting a Prolife Era The Christian Feminist View of Abortion Libertarianism, Abortion, and Fetal Self-Ownership (1 of 2) Libertarianism, Abortion, and Fetal Self-Ownership (2 of 2) Support Kerry's Work Kerry's Facebook Page Mere Liberty Website Dare to Think Podcast Pete's Patreon Pete's Bitbacker Pete's Books on Amazon Pete's Books Available for Crypto Pete on Facebook Pete on Twitter