Episode 205: What are Your 'Red Pill' Moments?
The Pete Quiñones Show - Un podcast de Peter R Quiñones

62 Minutes Some Strong Language Patrick MacFarlane and Keith Knight of the Liberty Weekly Podcast asked me to come on to discuss our "Red Pill" moments, those moments when the cognitive dissonance gave way and you passed through to the next step in your growth to understanding your enslavement to the State. I believe this is an important subject and that this is one of those episodes you can suggest someone listen to that has not crossed the threshold yet. Enjoy! YouTube Video Pete's Patreon Pete's Bitbacker Pete's Books on Amazon Pete's Books Available for Crypto Pete on Facebook Pete on Twitter Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard (Amazon Affiliate Link) Liberty Weekly: Anatomy of the State The Story of Your Enslavement by Stefan Molyneux Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt Amazon Affiliate Link “Economics in One Lesson” Ep 98 Liberty Weekly The Ron Paul vs. Giuliani Moment Foreign Policy of Freedom by Ron Paul (Amazon Affiliate Link) The Revolution: A Manifesto (Amazon Affiliate Link) The Corbett Report A Century of Enslavement by James Corbett The Mystery of Banking by Murray Rothbard (Amazon Affiliate Link) The Case Against the Fed by Murray Rothbard (Amazon Affiliate Link) End the Fed by Ron Paul (Amazon Affiliate Link) Meltdown by Tom Woods (Amazon Affiliate Link) Man, Economy, and State by Murray Rothbard (Amazon Affiliate Link) Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman Jeremy R. Hammond The Peter Schiff Show Jim Rickards Youtube Foreign Policy Focus w/ Kyle Anzalone America’s War for the Greater Middle East by Lt. Col. Andrew Bacevich (Amazon Affiliate Link) The Left, the Right, and the State by Lew Rockwell (Amazon Affiliate Link) “The Police Have No Duty to Protect You: the Truth About Warren v. District of Columbia” Ep. 46 The Liberty Weekly Podcast Free Man Beyond the Wall Ep. 1 “The Police” Keith Knight’s “America’s Foreign Policy of Deception” “American Imperialism. Scott Horton & Keith Knight” Marines Grow Opium for Their Masters US News and World Report: Ron Paul Awash in Active Duty Military Donations World Socialist Website: Citigroup chose Obama’s 2008 cabinet, Wikileaks document reveals “Why I am an Anarcho-capitalist” by Lew Rockwell Fool’s Errand by Scott Horton (Amazon Affiliate Link)