Episode 1040: Why Atlanta and Cities in General Are Burning to the Ground w/ Paul Kersey
The Pete Quiñones Show - Un podcast de Peter R Quiñones

63 MinutesNSFW Paul Kersey is an author who has written numerous books and currently writes at Unz dot org. Pete invited Paul on to talk about his book, Black Mecca Down, which details what led to Atlanta's downfall. They also discuss how cities have become uninhabitable for good people.Black Mecca DownPaul at UNZdotOrgPaul on XVIP Summit 3-Truth To Freedom - Autonomy w/ Richard GroveSupport Pete on His WebsitePete's PatreonPete's SubstackPete's SubscribestarPete's GUMROADPete's VenmoPete's Buy Me a CoffeePete on FacebookPete on TwitterBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-pete-quinones-show--6071361/support.