The Power of Life-Changing Anxiety with Dr Kirk Schneider
The Paul Taylor Podcast - Un podcast de Paul Taylor

Today was a super-interesting and thought-provoking conversation with Dr Kirk Schneider, a highly experienced Existential-Humanistic Psychologist. On the face of it, the conversation we had seems counterintuitive. In a world where more and more people are seeking treatment for anxiety, Kirk contends that is not less anxiety that we need today, but more, at least of a certain kind. Kirk calls this life-enhancing anxiety. He says that life-enhancing anxiety is the anxiety we must face to prevent life-destroying anxiety. It is challenging and requires pluck. But it also may just save us from the disastrous path with which we now contend. This was a spontaneous conversation that went down lots of rabbit-holes and I'd struggle to think that you won't walk away with some useful insights and tools. You can find out more about Dr Kirk on his website where you can also find links to purchase his wide range of interesting books.See for privacy information.