Birth Story 23: Anna's Home Birth Overcoming Fear-Induced Labor Stalls
The MamasteFit Podcast - Un podcast de MamasteFit Podcast

In today's birth story episode, we have Anna, who shares about her home birth experience in Canada. Anna describes how feelings of fear about an unfamiliar provider caused labor stalls during her birth, and after her story Gina and Roxanne break down strategies that you can use if you do experience a stall in your labor due to being afraid. In this episode: 0:00 Introductions 02:24 Anna finds MamasteFIt to resolve pubic symphysis pain 03:27 Planning for her home birth 07:07 Labor Begins 08:51 Anna’s midwife is unavailable! 10:26 Labor stalls due to discomfort with new providers 13:23 Pushing 18:08 Anna’s advice to others 23:47 Strategies for labor stalls due to fear ---- Want to share your birth story on our podcast? Submit your birth story on our website! Prepare for your birth with us: Childbirth Education Courses Prenatal Fitness Programs Pelvic Floor Prep for Birth Check out our website here, our Instagram here, and our Facebook here!