91: Safe Co-Sleeping with Tiffany of CoSleepy
The MamasteFit Podcast - Un podcast de MamasteFit Podcast

Gina sits down with Tiffany Belanger, founder of CoSleepy, to discuss how parents can safely bed share with their babies. They cover what bed sharing is and the stigmas surrounding it. Key safety tips are shared, including ensuring a sober and non-smoking environment, maintaining a firm and clutter-free mattress, and using the cuddle curl position. The episode also explores the benefits of bed sharing, such as improved sleep for both mom and baby and enhanced attachment. Tiffany provides practical advice and resources on setting up a safe sleep space and addresses common concerns about bed sharing and intimacy. As always listeners are encouraged to explore the options that work best for their families and are provided with numerous free resources to support their bed sharing journey if that is what they choose! 00:00 Introduction to the MamasteFit Podcast 01:31 Meet Tiffany from CoSleepy 02:00 Personal Bed Sharing Experiences 08:56 Safety Tips for Bed Sharing 15:19 Benefits of Bed Sharing 30:59 Alternative Co-Sleeping Arrangements 34:38 Common Concerns and Solutions 43:44 Conclusion and Resources More About Tiffany & Resources: Bedsharing Beginner's Guide: https://courses.cosleepy.com/courses/bedshare-irl Tiffany Belanger attended UCLA and adventured in the film and television industry prior to parenthood. She was shocked at how difficult it was to find reliable information about safe cosleeping when her newborn would not sleep in his bassinet. After two years of research and real-life trial and error, she founded cosleepy.com to help other parents keep their babies safe in their beds. Tiffany’s work resonated with parents across the world, and it didn’t take long for her @cosleepyInstagram page to grow by the tens of thousands and become the largest community of cosleeping parents on the web. She is a frequent guest on podcasts and blogs, and has been interviewed by the media several times as a representative for the educated, millennial parent who’s decided to go against the standard advice. Her work has been referenced in several articles discussing the controversy of cosleeping, most notably New York Magazine's viral article Are We All Secretly Co-sleeping? Tiffany cosleeps with her husband and two little boys in northern California. === Get Your Copy of Training for Two on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3VOTdwH —— This podcast is sponsored by Needed, a nutrition company focused on optimal nourishment for your perinatal journey. Use code MAMASTEPOD for 20% off your first order or three months of subscription. ****Freebies***** Early postpartum recovery course: https://mamastefit.com/freebies/early-postpartum-recovery-guide/ Pp sample https://mamastefit.com/freebies/postpartum-fitness-guide/ Prenatal Sample: https://mamastefit.com/freebies/prenatal-fitness-program-guide/ Pelvic Floor https://mamastefit.com/freebies/prepare-your-pelvic-floor-for-labor/ Birth Prep for Labor Guide https://mamastefit.com/freebies/prepare-for-labor-guide/ Birth Partner Guide https://mamastefit.com/freebies/birth-partner-guide/ Birth Plan https://mamastefit.com/freebies/birth-plan-guide/