7: Processing Your Birth Story with Dr. Alyssa Berlin, Perinatal Psychologist

The MamasteFit Podcast - Un podcast de MamasteFit Podcast

Episode 7: Processing Your Birth Story with Dr. Alyssa Berlin, Perinatal Psychologist. In this episode, we chat with Dr. Berlin, a perinatal psychologist, on how we can begin to approach processing our birth story if it was not the positive experience we had been preparing for. In this episode: How we do begin to process our birth story Dual emotions can coexist: you can absolutely love your baby and also grieve your birth experience How each member of the team may have had a different experience and perspective How healthcare providers and birth team members could improve communication and clarity during emergency situations When to seek professional support Preparing for a subsequent pregnancy and birth after birth trauma Connect more with Dr. Alyssa Berlin: Website: https://www.doctorberlin.com/dr-alyssa-berlin-psyd Instagram: @dralyssaberlin Prepare for your birth with us: Childbirth Education Courses Prenatal Fitness Programs Pelvic Floor Prep for Birth Recover after your birth: Free Early Postpartum Recovery Course Postpartum Fitness Programs Check out our ⁠website here⁠, our ⁠Instagram here⁠, and our ⁠Facebook here⁠! This podcast is sponsored by Needed, a nutrition company focused on optimal nourishment for your perinatal journey.  ⁠Use code MAMASTEPOD for 20% off your first order or three months of subscription.

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