Transmute hardship into fuel and challenge into opportunity with Leslie Avalos #44

The Luke Mind Power Podcast - Un podcast de Lukemindpower


Leslie Avalos,  is a mindset and alignment coach from San Jose California. Growing up through adversity, indoctrinated and manipulation with religion, and having her daughter at 15, Leslie learned to shift her perspective about life at a young age. She was always interested in how she could be a better example for her daughter and was always curious about what made people genuinely happy. You can follow Leslie on IG @ Luke and his team hope you enjoy this episode. Let us know by sharing the  episode and tagging @lukemindpower on your IG or FB You can follow Luke on IG @lukemindpower and Tik Tok Subscirbe to LukeMindPower on YouTube Want to go from where you are to where you should be? Why not enquire about Luke's Ultimate Success Coaching click here To your Ultimate Success & Fulfilment LMP