DSA Drama & Twitter Censorship
The Katie Halper Show - Un podcast de Katie Halper

For the entire discussion, to receive bonus content & to help make this program possible, please join us on Patreon at - https://www.patreon.com/thekatiehalpershow Direct link to this broadcast's Patreon segment - https://www.patreon.com/posts/truth-about-with-67549664 Organizers Illapa Sairitupac and Kristen Gonzalez talk about why they're running as Democratic Socialists in New York City. Then journalist Danny Haiphong talks about being locked out of Twitter over tweets on China. Illapa Sairitupac (https://twitter.com/illapa4NY) is a social worker, climate organizer, son of indigenous Peruvian immigrants and running for Assembly District 65. Kristen Gonzalez (https://twitter.com/Gonzalez4NY) is a tech worker, Queens native, DSA organizer running for the new State Senate District 59. Danny Haiphong (https://www.patreon.com/dannyhaiphong)(t.me/dannyhaiphong) is a journalist at Black Agenda Report (https://blackagendareport.com) and an editor of Friends Of Socialist China (https://socialistchina.org). Link to Danny's upcoming webinar: https://socialistchina.org/2022/05/21/webinar-the-empire-strikes-back-imperialisms-global-war-on-multipolarity/ Link to the following Callin discussion where members of the audience call in with questions! https://www.callin.com/room/danny-haiphong-on-being-censored-by-twitter-BJbDctbcHp